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Showing posts from August, 2020

What are the differences between StaticJsonBuffer and DynamicJsonBuffer?

   StaticJsonBuffer ArduinoJson  uses preallocated memory to store the data and this is possible due to StaticJsonBuffer. If one has to use this library then firstly they should create t he StaticJsonBuffer just like: StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; then it creates an  memory of 200 byte size which creates allocated memory in the system for storing the data static as the name tells it has fixed in size type of memory.Also we cannot reuse the memory once it gets has high speed performance. DynamicJsonBuffer This library supports DynamicJsonBuffer since it has parameters for dynamic memory allocation but it will be more useful if we use this buffer in the machine having memory more than 10KB of RAM. to use this syntax is just similar. DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; This will create one dynamic memory for the system so that it can allocate it more precisely.its size is variable it stores the data in heap.while storing it take time and its somehow pro...

What is machine learning and how it works?


Mini CNC(Computerized Numeric Controller) using an Arduino :- Step1 :-   Collecting all the necessary items from the market includes the following list:- Arduino UNO(R3) L298N Two old DVD drives Step2 :-   Creating the structure of the project.As i was using the old DVD drives here so i was used to design all the layout of my printer on the DVD drive also we have  used some type of 'jugaad' here to create the x axis of our CNC printer since i have less timings to complete our project and also to lower the cost of our project we use this wooden cardboards which i have cutted in a proper manner so that when we give the input it runs on x-y axis.               Basic structure of my project Components Used :-       HARWARE REQUIREMENTS :- Old DVD writers L298N Stepper Motor Drivers Connecting Wires Servo motors Arduino UNO         SOFTWAR...