In Today's Era of technologies everyone knows that we have many such things like mobile which is very smart enough to recognize the things around immediately.
What is machine learning?
Machine learning is tool for predicting the things it was mainly performed in the python. javascript machine learning is subset of Artificial intelligence developed by Geoffery Everest Hinton.It is very interesting feature since machine learning is learn from experience just like as humans do.It means it takes input as data and creates some pattern of learning based on that data.
Machine learning automatically adjust itself to data which it gets provided it has three branches
1.Supervised learning
2.Unsupervised Learning
3.Reinforcement Learning
Supervised Learning:-In this learning we have labeled or known data .In this learning data gets trained under certain supervision. In this we also know the output of the Data so In this technique we every time perform the same algorithm on the data to make it errorless since once the prediction gets errorless one can predict the desired results.
The algorithms which comes under this are:-
1.Linear Regression
2.Logistic Regression
3.Decision Trees
4.Naive Bayes
Un-Supervised Learning:-In this learning the Data which is provided to machine is unknown after applying the machine learning on such data it will create some patterns based on that pattens system will detect what it is
eq. we have a bunch of bananas and oranges some once the algorithm sees that unknown data it starts classifying the things and detecting the bananas and oranges separately