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7 some Intersesting commands in espeak-ng linux


In This Blog we learn how to perform espeak commands inside the red hat enterprise linux

What is espeak-ng?

eSpeakNG is a compact, open-source, software speech synthesizer for Linux, Windows, and other platforms. It uses a formant synthesis method, providing many languages in a small size. Much of the programming for eSpeakNG's language support is done using rule files with feedback from native speakers.

Some Major 7-commands of espeak-ng in linux

man espeak-ng

espeak-ng -f dayal.txt

espeak-ng -v en “ hello-world” -s 140

espeak-ng -v en+f2 “ hello world” -s 200

date | espeak-ng -s100

id | espeak-ng -s100

fortune | espeak-ng -s100

Zenity | espeak-ng

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